1968Asray Established
Asray started Guıde Rail manufacturing on toll basis.
1972Series Production
Asray started serial manufacturing of Lift Guide Rails under ‘ASRAY’ trademark.
In its own factory established in Florya, İSTANBUL.
1988First Export
First export was realized.
1990New factory established
Ha ving continued its manufacturing operations in its factory in Florya, Istanbul until 1990 Asray is working in its new entegrated factory which has a hot rolling mills built on a land of 45.000 m² in Gebze, since that year.
1999Foundry completed
Its ferrous and non-ferraus metal foundry was completed an put into service.
1999ISO-9002 Certificate
Asray was awarded ISO 9002
Asray was awarded ISO 9001-2000 quality assurance systems certificates.
2003Machined Rail Line
New machined quide rail production line was completed and put into service.
2006Broaching Method
Machines for cutting open of wedges and keywaysby broaching method were commissioned.
2007New Production Hall
The hall for the manufacture of the counterwight guide rails has been put into service.
2008Natural gas connected
Our factory has been connected to the natural gas network.Our annealing furnace with natural gas and to work automatically.
2010Rolling Mill Automatic
Rolling mill automatic hot product drive system was commissioned.
2012New Rail Line
A secondline of processed rails was commissioned for production.
2014Work safety
As per the new regulations, a department of occupational and environmental safety was established.
2016Sandblasting and Machining line
A new 16-mm sanding and processing line was commisioned.
2017Paint and Preservative
Dip painting and protective oil coating system was commissioned.
2018ISO Standards
Our quality system has been certified to be in compliance with ISO 9001-2015 standard.